Direct Booking Engine Provider & Online Reservation System

We drive profitability
for hoteliers with leading
hospitality technology

Hundreds of clients increase their revenue and direct online reservations with us. We are partnering with Simple Booking.

Maximize your revenue

Avoid overbookings

Boost Reservations

Empower Hoteliers Operations

Powerful hotel management tools trusted by thousands of hotels worldwide.


Online Booking

Direct Booking Engine
Use the leading booking engine and increase your revenue. Boost your commission-free growth with our seamless and user-friendly booking engine.

450+ booking channels

Channel Manager
Efficiently manage all your distribution channels from one platform, reducing overbookings and optimizing room availability.

Property Management System

Front Desk
Manage reservations, check-ins, rooms status, guest communications, payments, and more, all in one centralised calendar.

Dynamic Pricing

Revenue Management
Maximize your revenue and save time with our dynamic pricing tools, helping you make data-driven decisions effortlessly.

Packages, Tours

Upsells and Promotions
Increase your revenue through strategic upselling and targeted promotions, tailored to meet your guests’ preferences with offers like tours, transportation, catering, or SPA and wellness services.

Seamlessly connect with 150+ third-party solutions

0% commission:
Earn 100%
of each booking

We don’t charge booking fees. Your guests pay less and you earn more.

Built for hospitality of all shapes and sizes.

Hotelux offers solutions for any type of accommodation, from individuals to vacation rental companies with hundreds of units.


Get paid instantly,
receive your payouts
after each booking

Our booking engine integrates secure payment processing and can be connected directly to your bank account like BCR, BN or Credomatic to receive payments for bookings.

More than 4000 hoteliers are using our direct booking solutions

online direct bookings

reserved room nights

transactions value

Is this for you?

Property Rentals by owner

  • Airbnb short-term
  • Homes Rentals
  • Luxury Vacation Rentals
  • Guesthouses and B&Bs
  • Villas
  • Apartments

Hotels & Resorts

  • Boutique Hotels
  • Group Hotels
  • Wellness Centers
  • Lodges
  • Glamping

Our solution is designed for:

  • Hotel managers
  • Vacation rental managers
  • Airbnb owners
  • Short-Term Rental Host
  • Property owners
  • Villa owners
  • Revenue managers
  • Brokers

North America

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico

Latin America

  • Costa Rica
  • Panama
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Chile
  • Peru


  • Italy
  • Spain & Portugal
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • UK

Electronic invoices

Is your hotel operating in a country where you are forced to submit electronic invoices to the local government? We cover most countries in Latin America with a direct interface to the financial ministry which keeps your hotel compliant with local accounting rules.

Countries with electronic invoicing

Submit your invoices directly from the PMS to the government systems in your country.

Hotelux Booking provides

Powerful Booking Engine Channel Manager Property Management System Websites for Hotels Websites for Airbnb rentals Website maintenance 24/7

Do you own a Hotel or Vacation Rental?

Technology partners


How much do Hotelux booking solutions cost?

We offer individual pricing, depending on the size of the hotel/property and software modules. Our service always includes software & premium support. Schedule a short demo call for a product overview and immediate quote.

What does Hotelux do?

Hotelux partners with hundreds of hotels from The Americas and Europe, and help them to choose, install and run the ideal hotel reservations technology for their hospitality business.

I already use software; can I still use your service?

Yes, you can! Our software tools connect seamlessly via industry standards (XML) API. Integrate our strong tools to your current system with just one click and boost more revenue and direct reservations.

Do you offer an all-in-one solution to manage my hotel/airbnb?

Yes, we offer a powerful all-in-one solution, which includes property management system (PMS), channel manager, online booking engine and revenue management.

Do you redesign an existing, outdated website?

Yes, we specialize in redesigning outdated websites, enhancing their design, functionality, and user experience to meet modern standards and achieve your business goals.

Can I synchronize my Airbnb and my direct booking engine?

Yes, we synchronize your Airbnb and direct booking engine using a channel manager to avoid double bookings and ensure real-time updates.

We have received your request

One of our experts will be in touch with you shortly to assist you.

If you have any additional questions or information to share in the meantime, feel free to reply to this email.